Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Eloquent and Calming Silence


Eloquent & Calming Silence

The Prayerful Life No. 48

Aug 2, 2014

Saying For Today: What we forget is that Silence speaks. Silence is a kind of Word.


Brian K. Wilcox, a vowed Contemplative in the Christian tradition, and Associate of Greenbough House of Prayer, offers an interspiritual work focusing on cultivating the Heart of Compassion. His book of mystical Love poetry is An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love. Brian integrates wisdom from the major spiritual Paths. May you always know that you are blessed!

All is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

*Contemplation, Nature'sTouch, Flickr

What a man takes in by contemplation,
he pours out in love.

*Meister Eckhart

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Silence is eternal eloquence.

*Sri Ramana Maharshi

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Once, a friend wrote the following words to me, regarding my style as a Chaplain. I had expressed how I, at times, did not know what to say and, at times, did not want to say anything. Indeed, I, even as a vowed Contemplative, had struggled to settle into the power of Silence in communication and presence in my work with patients.

The calm and sense of peace you bring into the room is always sufficient. The peace is calming and what a patient needs more than any words. Just be with them: it is enough.

Our culture has shaped us to over-value words. We may feel inept in moments where we do not know what to say or feel there is nothing to say. What we forget is that Silence speaks. Silence is a kind of Word. I do not mean silence as absence of speech, but Silence as simply, quietly being-present, being-open to the other through unmediated-Presence.

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By living and speaking from Silence, and our actions and speech being the expression of Silence, we live Prayerfully, mindfully. Buddhists teach mindfulness. We could call this heartfulness. Whether we speak or not, do we keep our heart open to the other? And, can we accept that loving another may be providing them a space to hurt, without our trying to fix the hurt or fill up the Space with words arising from our own distrust in the power and restorative efficacy of Presence?

Yes, silence is eternal eloquence. Silence is not merely a spiritual practice. Silence is a way of being, of relating, of communicating, of inviting another into Sacred Space. Silence is a form of self-denial, that Presence might work in the holy communion we have joined another in.

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*Contemplation, Shahbaz Maieed, Flickr


Grace and Peace to All

The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

*You are welcome to contact Brian at briankwilcox@yahoo.com .

The presentations at this site cover a long time period. Each one represents part of an on-going Pilgrimage, and the writer's ideas, practices, and experience have changed over time. This change is the quality of any living Journey. Please read with this in mind, allowing the inner Teacher to speak to you as you need at this particular time in your own living Journey. Thanks!


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Eloquent and Calming Silence

©Brian Wilcox 2024